SIS Iskandar

SIS Iskandar

Monday, November 20, 2017

Geometry and Spatial Sense

Check out the Two''s as we explore both 2-D and 3-D shapes.

With the use of our class math tools the Two''s use their creative minds to identify and create some interesting pieces of work using our new shapes.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Fun with Multiplication

The Terrific Two''s dove head first into Multiplication last week and came out swimming!!. What an impressive performance as each and every student demonstrated their understanding using class manipulative's!

Ghost's and Ghouls of Grade 2

Check out the amazing portraits of the Terrific Two's as each student sketched out their friends costume from Halloween!! AMAZING

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Terry Fox Day

What-A-Day. Our first annual Terry Fox Day was amazing. Learning and walking for a cause with the Twos was such an important experience. The Two''s learned so much and had a lot of fun doing it. Great work everybody.

Get a closer look at our banners we made for our big walk!

International Month at Sunway

Grade 2''s have been busy representing their countries with flags of their own. Check them out!!

Happy Birthday Yin Hao

A very happy birthday goes out to YIN HAO!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New Students!

A very warm welcome goes out to our two new students that arrived last week Irene and Raina Hong! Irene and Raina are an excellent addition to our Terrific Two''s this year.

So great to continue to build our student family of friends! :) :)

Malaysia Week

As a part of International Month this month the Terrific Two''s are celebrating Malaysia Week!

Let's celebrate our class diversity in Malaysia by creating our very own flags!

How does your personalized flag represent you and your family?

Excellent Work Two''s! !

Donut Day! Mmmmmm

Decorate your own donut and then eat it too? Yess Please :)

Legoland BUS!

The Legoland Bus arrived at Sunway and guess who had the chance to board?

The Terrific Two''s!! Fun and Education on wheels!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Last Day of Classes!!

Grandpa Lewis says "Have an excellent week long holiday and don't forget to eat your vegetables!!!!!" See you when you get back :)