SIS Iskandar

SIS Iskandar

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Parent Teachers Interviews

Concluding our final PTI's this past Friday, I would like to extend a genuine thank you to all the parents that attended over the past two weeks. It was really nice to finally get a chance to meet all of you face to face and chat about your child's progress so far this year.

As I mentioned to all of you the students continue to come to class everyday with big smiles and excellent attitudes and that makes me very happy. A happy learning environment is a successful learning environment.

TumbleBook Library

Don't forget about the incredible library of free online books with TumbleBook Library. Students can read to self, listen along, or picture walk all by themselves!! 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dolch words to help improve!!!!

Hello Parents

Speaking with many of you this Friday we mentioned the focus on Grade 1,2,and 3 Dolch words or Sight Words. Like I said these specific words play a big role in building literacy skills in reading, writing, and speaking.

Below I have attached three links to Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3, Dolch words. At the grade two level constant practice with all of these words is incredibly important.

Please take time to help your children become familiar with these words. This website also provides helpful creative writing activities that can help your child apply these words to their sentences, and stories, ect... ENJOY!!

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Exploring with Math Manipulatives

Exploring shapes, graphs, and animals with our Math manipulatives
Impressive work by everyone :)
Great job all my hands on learners!!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The FIVE Food Groups

Click on the picture and watch as The Super Fab Lab and Sid the Science Kid learn more about the five food groups.

Remember healthy eating is the key to a strong body and mind!!

Math Language

Hello Everyone!!

Remember our new Math words?? Math has its own language just like English, Malay, and Mandarin!!. We cannot forget to leave out our new Math words when describing anything in Math class!!!
Below is our current list of Math vocabulary words. Show me you can use them properly when it’s your turn to speak!!
  1.   Represent
  2.  Data
  3.  Title     
  4.  Categories

  5.  Ticks
  6. Results
 Practice your Math vocabulary with the bar graph below! Remember practice makes PERFECT!!