SIS Iskandar

SIS Iskandar

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Our Classroom Contract

Both the students and I have created our official "Classroom Contract" for the year.  After an excellent discussion about responsibility and procedures we all came up with some important rules to learn by.

We can do it Two''s !!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Living Things

As we dive head first into our "Living Things" unit in Science the Terrific Two''s used their sculpting skills to create animals from all around the world. Check it out!

Natural Artists

2018 brings in new students and our second year of Sunway International School.

Watch as our terrific two''s get hands on in Visual Arts last week!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Exploring with our math manipulatives

Watch as the Terrific Two's explore with hands on learning in Math last week!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Congratulations Grade Two's

Still getting used to 2018!! 

Great Job Everyone!!!

Welcome Parents and Students

Welcome parents and students to our very own classroom blog!!

Within this blog you can find everything you need that connects to our classroom and school. Important school announcements, classroom announcements, updated class photos, and curriculum information to name a few are found here.

Please take the time to be involved in the blog as the students will use it to reference the fun and educational websites for homework.

Our blog is also an excellent way to keep up to date with whats happening in the classroom. Parents love seeing their children in action in the class and the blog gives you a first hand opportunity to see your child do their best!

Our "Newsletter" is also an excellent way to keep up with our units of study at any specific time along with providing the parents with an updated letter from me with information about the school and class.

Enjoy the blog and be sure to tell your family and friends about it as they can also keep up to date with our terrific two's!


Mr. Lewis