SIS Iskandar

SIS Iskandar

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

2nd Annual Data Math Fair

Another successful Data Math Fair took place last week as the two's made some bold predictions on how their products would "fair". Grade 2B joined us with tokens for 2A's cotton candy, ballons, chocolate, and popcorn. The two's collected data of their sales at their own booth and shared their results with the class. After the fair was complete the two's weren't far off with their predictions of sales for the fair. Great work two's!!!

Our Plants Are ALIVE!!

The Terrific Twos have been learning how plant's live and breathe just like we do. Check out our decorative plants and what they need to survive!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Butterfly Life Cycle

Last week the Terrific Two''s learned just how beautiful butterflies come to life. Life cycles have been a part of our unit this month and the students have really been enjoying their hands on learning. Take a peek into the life cycle of a butterfly! Great work Two''s

Reading Buddies

Every week our Terrific Two''s get some visitors from grade four. Students have been having fun reading with their friends and learning from their peers. Have a look!!

Parts of a Seed

The Terrific Two''s took their talents outside this week to display their knowledge of a seed. Watch how the Two''s used sidewalk chalk to illustrate their work.

Friday, March 2, 2018

A True International Classroom

Celebrating a classroom of students from all around the world!