SIS Iskandar

SIS Iskandar

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Grade 2A Arts Night 2018 Submission

As Arts night 2018 approaches the Terrific Two's were asked to submit a class piece of art for this year's silent auction. No better way to celebrate peace and unity then to display our class cultures. We all came together to produce our piece!

Each class will be submitting one piece of work for the auction.

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to The Temple of Fine Arts here in Johor.

More information will be passed on closer to the date of Arts Night 2018.

Check out our class submission. Excellent work 2''s!!

Halloween @ SISJ 2018

There were spiders, ninjas, vampires,  monsters and more!!

The students truly enjoyed this year's celebrations.

Take a peek and try not to be too scared!!